Together We Rise: Reclaiming the Female Gaze

November 2021
Curated by ArtGirlRising


Together We Rise: Reclaiming the Female Gaze is an online exhibition for women artists centered around female empowerment. Though women have historically been underrepresented in the art world, female artists have continued to push back and elevate their voices through art. The essential question guiding this exhibit is: how can we use art to visually communicate our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences in response to the world around us? In this exhibit, you will find a wide range of work that responds to this question.


The phrase, 'Together We Rise: Reclaiming The Female Gaze', holds a very dear place in our hearts. It is our motto, our belief, our cause, our fight, and now an exhibition made possible with the incredible work by women artists from around the globe. In this exhibition, you will see an array of work dedicated to how women view themselves, and more importantly, how we want to be viewed. You will experience stories of honesty, pain, struggle, love, joy, sexuality, beauty, and identity, as to how we, women, have experienced it ourselves. And no two experiences are ever the same.

Curating this exhibition has been an absolute joy and a privilege that we will never forget. We want to thank all the artists who have submitted to the open call. Thank you for allowing us to view your work, and for putting it and yourselves out there. As always, we believe that without You or your work, there would be no exhibition(s) to show. So thank you, we are truly honoured.

We also want to thank Victoria for sharing this opportunity with us, and for allowing us this chance to challenge the 'Male Gaze' narrative by flipping it on its head. For so long, we have been told how to look, how to act, and how to ‘be’ women. Well, we think it's high time we take back our power and reclaim that narrative. 

We hope that this exhibition will inspire you to do the very same.



Thank you for visiting!

To inquire about any of the artwork featured in this exhibition, please contact the artists directly via their websites.


Paula Valenzuela: The Space in Between


Shazia Ahmad: A Year, A Garden, A Feeling (COVID19 Diary)