Charles Leak

Artist based in New York City & East Hampton


Charles Leak was born in Dallas, Texas. After graduating from Texas State University in 1976, he moved to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, as one of the originals, in 1980 where he rented a 4,000 square foot loft (over a butcher shop) which he had to add plumbing and heating to in order to work as an artist. He has supported his art by day through architectural renovation projects throughout the years. Today, Charles is reinventing and expressing himself solely through his art and is excited to share his new evocative work with the world.

Charles is known for his use of a variety of materials such as oil paint, enamel, gold and copper powder, and graphite on canvas and paper. He previously worked on large canvas formats, but today, his current medium sized works offer a more intimate experience. He has released his latest series of works on paper – a unique series began during the pandemic and has continued on. It is reflective of change – viewing the seasons and nature with a keen eye in the way light and color transforms our perceptions, affecting our moods, our senses and our well being.

The transformative qualities of Charles current works on paper allows a dialogue to continue by enabling the grouping of individual pieces together to create one's own story. In doing so, Charles takes the experience one step further – personalizing the experience in a three-way conversation with the viewer. Making the art something that becomes truly emotional to those putting the pieces together.


When asked what artists have influenced me and my work, I say I am inspired by all the great artists from Da Vinci to Diebenkorn and all the great writers, musicians, and filmmakers. But my greatest influence has been the natural world we were given that surrounds us all.


Mona Lerch


Amy Laskin